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Volkswagen Gets A Lot of Buzz Premiering Their New Electric Throwback Bus - the ID. Buzz (LOOK) 

Volkswagen Gets A Lot of Buzz Premiering Their New Electric Throwback Bus - the ID. Buzz (LOOK) 
Volkswagen unveiled their new ID. Buzz, calling it "Europe's first all-electric bus"-and it's Carbon-neutral in its production and shipping.

Volkswagen unveiled their new ID. Buzz in Hamburg, calling it "Europe's first all-electric bus".

From its iconic roots in the 1950s, the latest CO2 friendly version is affectionately known as a "Bulli" (resurrecting a popular German nickname for the 2011 VW Bus).

"It's the proportions that make the ID. Buzz so unique," says Volkswagen chief designer Jozef Kabaň. He made a direct link back to the original classic vehicle: "In the T1 you are practically sitting on top of the front axle - there's no front overhang." Even after the safety and technology features are loaded up front, the ID. Buzz has "super short overhangs," says Kabaň.

Another feature that has always been typical of the model line is its V-shaped front panel-sans the charismatic round headlights of old, though.

Five people have ample room for traveling and for their luggage. Like any van, the second row of seats can be folded down, doubling the storage capacity.

"In the 1950s, the Volkswagen Bulli stood for a new feeling of automotive freedom, independence and great emotion," said Ralf Brandstí¤tter, Chairman of the Board of Management. "The ID. Buzz picks up on this lifestyle and transfers it into our time: emission-free, sustainable, fully networked"-and adaptable for future autonomous driving.

The model line is being produced at Volkswagen's main plant in Hanover Germany. The majority of the electric drive system modules will also be made in Germany "to the highest quality standards," according to the media release, and the vehicles will exit the production line as "zero-emission vehicles."

The company says the vehicle's manufacture and shipping has a carbon-neutral footprint, and the entire interior uses recycled synthetic materials, free of leather.

Available across Europe this Fall (with orders starting in May), the Buzz will come with:

"The position of the battery, integrated deep down in the sandwich floor, and the lightweight electric drive system result in a good distribution of weight and a low vehicle centre of gravity. Both factors optimize the handling and agility," said the release.

They say it also has an "unusually small" turning circle of 11.1 meters.

Expect a starting price of around $40,000.

The line also offers a larger cargo van, with double the storage space, called the ID. Buzz Cargo. SEE both the vans in the video below…

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