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Veteran Bursts into Tears When Dentist Sees His Teeth and Gives $15K of Work For Free

Veteran Bursts into Tears When Dentist Sees His Teeth and Gives $15K of Work For Free
"I would take a hundred bullets for this doctor in a second," says the veteran.

A chance meeting at the gym changed retired Air Force Staff Sergeant David Tyler Harmon's life for the better.

It all started when he met Dr. David Nguyen during a workout and learned that David was a dentist. The Air Force veteran decided to book an appointment with him for a teeth cleaning – but when it was time for the examination, Dr. Nguyen took one look at the veteran's teeth and was shocked.

"I came in for a cleaning, and he's like, ‘My goodness!' And I start telling him all the pain I'm in," the sergeant recalled.

Nguyen said: "There was infection in his gum tissue, a lot of cracked teeth everywhere, a lot of crowding, a lot of grinding problems."

The dental problems were made even more severe by head trauma David received during multiple tours on active duty. And the cost to fix those problems was greater than expected — about $15,000.

"I overheard him saying something about sending the paperwork to the VA," said Dr. Nguyen. "I was like, ‘Wait, if he were to wait for the VA, it would take months.'"

They didn't have that long.

"I saw infection," Dr. Nguyen explained. "I said, ‘Listen, you need to get this handled right away.'"

That's when Dr. Nguyen offered to do David's dental work entirely free of charge.

David, being understandably overwhelmed, broke down into tears.

CLICK the link below to watch an interview with the sergeant – and don't forget to SHARE this moving story with your friends…

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