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This Tea Company is Staying in Business By 'Tea-p'ing' People's Homes With Surprise Gifts

This Tea Company is Staying in Business By 'Tea-p'ing' People's Homes With Surprise Gifts
Rather than covering a neighbor's home in toilet paper, this Orlando tea company is "tea-p'ing" people's homes with gifts and care packages.

We love tea-p'ing you guys and helping to #spread joy on your special days. Thanks for including us!

A post shared by infusion tea (@infusion_tea) on Apr 8, 2020 at 12:03pm PDT


A Florida loose leaf tea company has found a means of keeping their business open while simultaneously spreading joy to people who could use a smile.

Over the course of the last month, dozens of Orlando homeowners have been delighted to find that their yards have been "tea-p'd" by employees from the Infusion Tea beverage company.

Although getting "tee-p'd" usually describes young hooligans festooning people's houses in loose toilet paper, Infusion Tea employees have put their own compassionate spin on the word by leaving gifts of toilet paper, loose leaf tea packages, and yard signs emblazoned with messages of appreciation on people's front lawns.

Customers have been purchasing the yard sign care packages as surprise gifts for friends and family members in Orlando. When Infusion Tea launched the contactless delivery service, they were maybe expecting to rack up one or two dozen orders.

To their surprise, the service became an immediate hit, resulting in more than 1,300 tea-p packages and yard signs purchased for local homeowners.

In fact, the initiative has been so successful for the little business, they have been able to rehire their laid-off staffers so they can also offer to mail the tea-p care packages to recipients nationwide.

"We call it our little COVID miracle," Infusion Tea owner Brad Cowherd told The Orlando Sentinel. "We have been able to bring back all of our furloughed employees that want to come back. Everyone's working that wants to be working. It's good for the employees, it's great for morale."

A post shared by infusion tea (@infusion_tea) on Apr 19, 2020 at 7:57am PDT


If you want to purchase a tea-p care package for a loved one, healthcare worker, teacher, or friend, you can visit the Infusion Tea website for more information.

This is just one of many positive stories and updates that are coming out of the COVID-19 news coverage this week. For more uplifting coverage on the outbreaks, click here.

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