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UK Auctions Let Artists Donate 100% of Proceeds To Help Refugees

UK Auctions Let Artists Donate 100% of Proceeds To Help Refugees
Online art sales have painted a picture of relief for Syrian refugees: $31,000 dollars and counting, so far.

Online art sales have painted a picture of relief for Syrian refugees.

During a five-week run in August and September, the "Creative Collective for Refugee Relief" took in donations of art through their Facebook community and used the proceeds to pay for food, shelter, medical supplies and a truck convoy from the UK to deliver the good to camps in Eastern Europe.

The Collective sold most of the 750 pieces of art that were donated to them and raised more than $31,000 for two relief organizations – Syria Relief UK and Calais Refugee Support.

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The Collective's founders only planned to keep the fundraiser going through September 30th, but now they are asking for more donated works from online artists for another fundraiser.

This time, the Collective is teaming up with "The Common Good Presents" for an online charity auction supporting Syria Relief UK. The Collective wants to supply another 50 pieces for that event on October 23.

(WATCH the Syria Relief charity video below, and SEE more art at the Collective's Facebook Album) — Photo: UK Dept for International Development

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