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After Neighbor's Biden Sign is Stolen in Wisconsin, This Trump Supporter Replaced It: 'We love our neighbors'

After Neighbor's Biden Sign is Stolen in Wisconsin, This Trump Supporter Replaced It: 'We love our neighbors'
When a Wisconsin family had their Biden sign stolen from their front yard, their neighbor-a Trump supporter- replaced it for him.

When a Biden supporter's political sign was stolen from his yard in northern Wisconsin, a Trump fan reached out and replaced the sign for him. 

In Washington County, a Republican stronghold, Tim is an anomaly as a Biden supporter. "You look around the neighborhood, I think there's one other Biden sign," Place explained to Fox.

Perhaps inevitably, his yard sign didn't last very long. 

A few days later, though, he received that unlikely gift from his Republican neighbor Josh Schoemann. 

Josh lives a few doors down from Tim, and has his own sign-supporting the current president-on his lawn. 

Seeing his neighbor's sign had been stolen didn't bring him any joy. Josh thought to himself, "'that's just not right… Although we are Trump supporters, we love our neighbors and want them to be able to exercise their freedom of speech just like everybody else… I decided to take my son and go and replace their sign."

When Josh brought the Biden sign over to Tim, it was the first time the pair had ever met.

Naturally, Tim was amazed by the kind gesture. He told Josh that he would do the same for him.

In more good news? That new replacement sign is still standing. 

Whether a supporter of the blue or red team, maybe the rest of the country could take a cue from these two NFL Green Bay Packer fans and remember that we have more in common than we think.

(WATCH the Fox 6 video of this story below.)

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