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Mom Pays For Multiple Strangers' Groceries on a Whim: 'I just wanted to bring smiles to people's faces'

Mom Pays For Multiple Strangers' Groceries on a Whim: 'I just wanted to bring smiles to people's faces'
New Hampshire mom-of-three Brandy Bisson paid for multiple strangers' groceries on a whim. She hopes it inspires acts of kindness in others.

Comfort food is something everyone can appreciate. More than simply sustenance for our bodies, comfort food nourishes the soul and spirit. Now, one New Hampshire woman is taking the concept to a new level, supplying "comfort" groceries in random acts of kindness to her neighbors.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought stress and food anxiety to tables where it's never been felt before, but it's also heightened the opportunity to be able to give back in ways that are immediate and meaningful.

After a generous community turn-out that included gifts and a drive-by parade turned her son Thomas's 7th birthday celebration from doubtful to "epic," Brandy Bisson took a notion to pay that goodwill forward.

"On a whim," the mother of three laid out $600 of her own hard-earned dollars to purchase groceries for eight people she'd never met. "With the pandemic and everything and all the election stuff, I just wanted to bring smiles to people's faces," Bisson told WMUR-9.

Having been on the giving and receiving end of the equation, even though she's not wealthy, Bisson learned from her mom's positive example that giving back is its own reward. "We've been on both ends of the spectrum," she said. "It's not a good feeling when you don't know where you're going to get food for your kids."

Bisson's impromptu acts of kindness would have gone unremarked except perhaps by their recipients had not an observant store employee recorded the good deeds and posted them to social media.

This week, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, Bisson will further spread the love by supplying holiday meals for two families in need in her community but she isn't stopping there.

She says she also plans to continue her random acts of groceries when she can, and hopes that others who see her story will be inspired to do the same.

(SEE Bisson's story in the WOKQ 97.5 video below.)

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