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The Top 50 Things to Come Out of Britain (Fish and Chips was Voted #1)

The Top 50 Things to Come Out of Britain (Fish and Chips was Voted #1)
A new survey of 2,000 adults chose the top 50 things to come out of Britain—with fish and chips, roast dinners, and David Attenborough on top.

Let's face it: what would the world be like, without Monty Python and The Beatles?

Britain has produced a wealth of successful exports over the years, from foods and businesses to TV shows and celebrities.

A new survey of 2,000 adults chose the top 50 things to come out of Britain—and the top three are fish and chips, roast dinners, and David Attenborough.

The full English breakfast and Cadbury chocolate also finished high, alongside cheddar cheese and William Shakespeare.

The Worldwide Web, which was invented by a Brit named Tim Berners-Lee, along with The Beatles and Queen round out the top ten.

James Bond slipped in at number 11 and Sherlock Holmes landed at 19.

Several traditional British foods made their way into the top 50, with the sandwich (known as the invention of the Earl of Sandwich), afternoon tea and crumpets, and the KitKat all ranking highly.

Classic British TV shows Top Gear, Downton Abbey, and Doctor Who were popular, as were public figures such as the Royal Family, Sir Stephen Hawking, and David Bowie.

A host of businesses were named as iconic British exports, including Marks & Spencer department stores, Twinings Tea, and Dyson (vacuums), alongside the car brands MINI, Rolls-Royce, and Aston Martin.

Besides being a source of pride, the survey commissioned by Santander UK and carried out via OnePoll found that 85% of Brits believe exports are crucial to the future of the UK economy—and 58 percent of business owners believe the ‘future is bright' for British businesses operating internationally.


1. Fish and chips 2. Roast dinners 3. Sir David Attenborough 4. Full English breakfast 5. The Worldwide Web 6. Cadbury chocolate 7. Cheddar Cheese 8. William Shakespeare 9. The Beatles 10. Queen 11. James Bond 12. BBC 13. The sandwich (said to be invented by the 18th-Century Earl of Sandwich) 14. Sir Stephen Hawking 15. Afternoon tea 16. The Royal Family 17. Marks & Spencer (M&S) 18. Rolls-Royce cars 19. Sherlock Holmes 20. David Bowie 21. Aston Martin car 22. Digestive biscuits 23. Yorkshire Tea 24. Crumpets 25. Monty Python 26. Kit Kat 27. MINI cars 28. The pasty 29. Dyson vacuum cleaners 30. Sir Elton John 31. Rolling Stones 32. Doctor Who 33. Land Rover cars 34. Marmite (a yeast-based condiment) 35. Bentley cars 36. Ed Sheeran 37. Tetley tea 38. Sir Charlie Chaplin 39. Dr Martens shoes 40. Adele 41. Dame Helen Mirren 42. Downton Abbey 43. George Michael 44. Stan Laurel 45. Triumph Motorcycles Ltd 46. Twinings tea 47. Sir Andy Murray 48. Henry the Vacuum Cleaner 49. Top Gear 50. Spice Girls

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