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Woman Repurposes Wedding Dress Into Gowns For Stillborn Babies

Woman Repurposes Wedding Dress Into Gowns For Stillborn Babies
A charity that usually turns a wedding dresses into 10 to 30 gowns for stillborn babies, found one dress that has turned into thousands.

When this woman last wore her wedding dress and vowed to love someone until death, she never dreamed the bridal costume would touch the lives of thousands of parents one day whose time had came to part with their stillborn babies.

Yvonne Trimble began by donating her dress to a UK charity that makes funeral gowns for stillborn babies–infants that are so small, it's difficult for grieving parents to find clothes in which to dress them.

Cherished Gowns for Angel Babies in the UK then sent Trimble pictures of the seven intricate baby gowns they were able to construct using the fabric and lace. The group of volunteer seamstresses can usually make 10 to 30 baby gowns from a single wedding dress.

Deciding in May 2015 that I would never wear my wedding dress again, I sent it to a charity that turns donated dresses...

Posted by Yvonne Trimble on Sunday, January 3, 2016

Deciding in May 2015 that I would never wear my wedding dress again, I sent it to a charity that turns donated dresses...

Posted by Yvonne Trimble on Sunday, January 3, 2016

Deciding in May 2015 that I would never wear my wedding dress again, I sent it to a charity that turns donated dresses...

Trimble said it made her feel good having contributed something to help a few parents in their time of grief.

But after she posted the photos of individual dresses to her Facebook page she found out that her gesture would touched far more than simply seven families. The photo was shared 100,000 times and Angel Babies was flooded with donations.

8,500 people jumped at the chance to send their dresses, and volunteers who wanted to sew gowns leapt from 250 to 750. The charity eliminated its waiting list in a matter of hours.

Trimble says she spent the day crying as she read hundreds of messages from people thanking her for her contribution, and calling attention to the charity.

"From the bottom of my heart," one message read, "Thank you for giving us mums some relief in the knowledge that our angel babies are forever wrapped in love."

(SEE more photos at the Daily Mail)

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