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Surprise Gift-Giving for Hardworking Refugee Leaves Him in Tears (WATCH)

Surprise Gift-Giving for Hardworking Refugee Leaves Him in Tears (WATCH)
A refugee thought he was being interviewed for a documentary, but was really being surprised with gifts and a car. Great Video.

This refugee from Congo thought he was being interviewed for a documentary, until everyone in the diner started giving him gifts.

Pascal was the latest happy victim of the "Praynksters," who describe themselves as "a group of Christian entertainers, rappers, pastors, and entrepreneurs" who pull positive pranks on strangers while performing good deeds in the process.

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For this video, they chose a hard-working refugee named Pascal. He spent years in camps for people displaced by war in Africa before coming to America more than two years ago with his little brother. He worked four different jobs so his brother could complete high school, the Praynksters told Good News Network.

Pascal still sends money to friends and relatives back in the refugee camps, and wants to get a business degree so he can provide for his fiancee and their future family.

While sitting for an interview, Pascal and the fake documentary crew are interrupted by a man who overheard his story and wants to give him a gift. Before the interview can resume, other patrons start leaving their seats in a steady steam, dropping off wrapped presents at Pascal's table.

He's interrupted again when asked about his fiancee — this time with a couple of the Praynksters giving him a wedding package — paying for bridal and bridesmaid dresses, a venue, pastor, and other niceties.

He's then asked to go with the Pranksters for a ride—only to find out they plan to give him he SUV they're riding in.

It takes Pascal quite a while to finish with all the hugs — and to wipe away his tears — before he drives the car away, rewarded for a lifetime of perseverance.

(WATCH the video from Praynksters below) — Photo: Praynksters video

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