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Emma Watson New UN Women Goodwill Ambassador

Emma Watson New UN Women Goodwill Ambassador
UN Women, the United Nations organization dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women, announced yesterday it has tapped British actress Emma Watson as Goodwill Ambassador. Known for playing the leading role of "Hermione Granger" in the Harry Potter saga, Watson has been involved with the promotion of girls' education for several years.

UN Women, the United Nations organization dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women, announced yesterday it has tapped British actress Emma Watson as Goodwill Ambassador.

Known for playing the leading role of "Hermione Granger" in the Harry Potter saga, Watson has been involved with the promotion of girls' education for several years, and previously visited Bangladesh and Zambia as part of her humanitarian efforts.

"Emma embodies the values of UN Women," said Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka.

"Women's rights are something so inextricably linked with who I am, so deeply personal and rooted in my life that I can't imagine an opportunity more exciting" said Watson.

The role of the Goodwill Ambassador is to promote the empowerment of young women and to serve as an advocate for UN Women's HeForShe campaign in fostering gender equality. That campaign is a solidarity movement which brings women and men together to fight against gender inequalities faced by women and girls globally.

"Being asked to serve as UN Women's Goodwill Ambassador, a chance to make a real difference, is not an opportunity that everyone is given and is one I have no intention of taking lightly," Watson said.

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