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16-Year-Old Has Been Using His Flying Lessons to Deliver Medical Supplies to Rural Hospitals Fighting COVID

16-Year-Old Has Been Using His Flying Lessons to Deliver Medical Supplies to Rural Hospitals Fighting COVID
TJ Kim has been using his time off from school to focus on his flying lessons and flying much-needed medical masks and gowns to Virginia hospitals.

16-year-old TJ Kim may not have his driver's license yet, but he has been flying planes all over Virginia in order to deliver medical supplies to rural hospitals fighting the novel coronavirus.

The teen, who is a sophomore at Landon School in Bethesda, Maryland, was inspired to embark on his delivery missions after his classes were canceled as a result of COVID-19.

Without school or lacrosse to occupy his time, he turned his focus on his flying lessons.

According to The Associated Press, Kim and his family then launched their Operation SOS (Supplies Over Skies) project as a means of keeping busy during the shutdowns while simultaneously serving others in need by delivering supplies to rural hospitals.

When Kim first asked his flight instructor, Dave Powell, to use their flying lessons as delivery runs for Virginia hospitals, the pilot was awestruck.

"For TJ to be more concerned with the needs of others in his melancholy state just reiterated to me how amazing this young man is," Powell told The AP.

Since the young man delivered his first batch of medical gowns, masks, sanitizer, and shoe covers to a 25-bed hospital in Luray on March 27th, he has continued to go on weekly flights to other critical access hospitals—and the healthcare workers have greatly appreciated the support.

This is just one of many positive stories and updates that are coming out of the COVID-19 news coverage this week. For more uplifting coverage on the outbreaks, click here.

(WATCH the interview below) – Feature photo by Thomas Kim

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