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High School Athlete Rejects Disabled Label, Excels in 3 Sports, Inspires All

High School Athlete Rejects Disabled Label, Excels in 3 Sports, Inspires All
Encouraged by his parents, despite having only one hand, Riley Quinn plays on all the athletic teams in his California high school and excels in all of them, as well as his academic subjects. Watch this video for inspiration.

"Honestly, if he had both hands, he might just be a typical good athlete," said Riley Quinn's father. "Not having that hand just made him work that much harder and made his passion burn that much deeper."

Sports fed that passion and Quinn played all of them: kickball, football, basketball, baseball (as a pitcher), soccer, tennis and golf. The two-handed world obviously had an advantage, but soaking in such a notion would only prove poisonous.

"The idea that I am handicapped has never entered my mind," Quinn, the straight-A student wrote on his college essay. "Instead, I use what others may call a physical disability as my driving force and motivation to excel at everything I do."

(WATCH the video below from Cal Hi Sports or READ the story from the San Francisco Chronicle)

Story tip from Mike McGinley – Photo via YouTube by Cal Hi Sports

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