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Girl With Cancer Gets VIP Bono Experience From Caring Community and Ed Norton

Girl With Cancer Gets VIP Bono Experience From Caring Community and Ed Norton
Ed Norton heard about a crowdfunding campaign to raise money for a young lady with cancer who dreamed of seeing Bono. He amped up their night, big time.

For one young girl who wanted to see Bono in concert, last night was a dream come true.

14-year-old Lizzy Lawson, who has a stage 4 brain tumor, wanted more than anything to attend the U2 concert in Denver. When a student in Lizzy's mother's spin class, heard about the girl's wish, she decided to start a CrowdRise campaign to help make it come true, in high style.

Tricia Canonic managed to raise nearly $4,700 to get Lizzy, her sisters and her mom tickets to the show, a limo ride from Fort Collins to Denver, dinner, a makeover and outfits for all of them.

Shortly before the night of the show, CrowdRise co-founder Edward Norton decided to contact LiveNation himself in order to get the girls an upgrade. He also called his friend, Bono, to make it all happen.


The family was bumped up to the front of the house, provided with backstage passes, and got to meet the band.

"There were presents for all the girls, and extra love for Lizzy. The Edge talked to us at length, as he shared about his family's battles with cancer," said Lizzy's mom, Meredith. "There are so many people in need in the world, even in our own community, that for us to be so lavished with love and support indeed makes me feel unnaturally blessed."

U2 had been so personable and kind to Lizzy, she said it was "like she got to watch her friends on stage" during the show.

Friends of Lizzy and her family continue to raise funds for her care on CrowdRise, and though local events.

"The number of people who took it upon themselves to become involved in so many different ways after that….all of these people with so much talent, each using and giving what they had, that's a masterpiece," said Meredith. "That's humanity at it's best."

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