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Strangers' Kindness Flipped 20-yo Homeless Guy's Life in 5 Days

Strangers' Kindness Flipped 20-yo Homeless Guy's Life in 5 Days
The kindness of strangers lifted a young Englishman off the streets and into a new home and job in a matter of days.

In just five days, the kindness of strangers completely transformed a 20-year-old homeless man's life - Shylow Murphy went from playing music for tips on a street corner to a full time job with a roof over his head.

Abbi Claxton couldn't just walk by Murphy as she saw him busking on a street in Norwich, England, wearing a pair of tattered jogging pants. The web analyst, gave him a new pair, brought him some food, and started a conversation.

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In the video below, Murphy explains how he drifted into homelessness and how Claxton gave him hope. He calls her "a godsend to my life."

Ms. Claxton said she decided to help Murphy get back on his feet when she realized he could be "anyone's son or brother or friend."

Her Facebook campaign raised $1,200, found him a place to live, lined up a job interview, and got him a salon makeover with donated business attire.

A girl named Abbi is helping a guy called Shylow to get back on his feet! We were happy to help! @EDP24 #norwich ❤ pic.twitter.com/zFCx1IeKGe


Murphy landed the job - as a street fundraiser - and started work Monday. Instead of asking people for handouts for himself, he's raising money for charity to help others.

"I'm just so happy now. I've broken out of my shell again. I'm out here again and can be myself, and don't have to carry 35kg on my back every day and feel rubbish."

(WATCH the video below or READ more at the Eastern Daily Press) - Photo: Abbi Claxton, Twitter

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