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Stranger Buys $750 Plane Ticket for Distraught Father's Child

Stranger Buys $750 Plane Ticket for Distraught Father's Child
This anonymous good samaritan didn't mind that her kind gesture came with a $750 price tag – she just wanted to help out a father in distress.

This woman didn't care how large the price tag was for a last minute plane ticket – she just couldn't stand to see a father in distress.

In a Facebook post published by Love What Matters, a father and his daughter were about to check in for their flight at an airport when the employee working the counter asked the dad how old his child was. When he responded by saying that she was 2 years old, the worker said he would have to buy her her own plane ticket.

The price of the secondary price ticket? A whopping $750.

"He was hit with emotion," wrote bystander Kevin Leslie. "He mentioned he couldn't afford to rebook this flight or get her the ticket with such short notice. He stepped aside and tried to make a few calls. Hugging his daughter and grabbing his head, you could tell he was heartbroken."

A woman, Debbie Bolton, standing in line behind the man overheard the exchange and walked over to where the distressed father was standing. After briefly discussing the problem, the woman reportedly walked back over to the counter and said she wanted to buy the toddler's plane ticket.

"The agent said ‘You know how much this ticket costs right?'" described Kevin. "The woman said ‘that's fine' and just pulled out her credit card."

"The agent kept talking about her goosebumps while the man hugged the woman and asked for her name to repay her. The woman just kept saying, ‘Don't worry about it.'"

Several social media users commented on the photo and called the woman, who is the cofounder of Norwex, an "inspiration".

"She is so full of love for everyone and does what is needed without being asked," commented Jennica Kettle, an acquaintance of the kind woman. "She is an inspiration every time I see her and is constantly giving freely."

Fly This Story Over To Your Friends: Click To Share (Photo by Kevin Leslie)

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