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"Saved by the snooze": Man Turns Off Alarm Just Before Tree Spears His Roof

"Saved by the snooze": Man Turns Off Alarm Just Before Tree Spears His Roof
If Raymond Bowling hadn't decided to hit his snooze alarm during Wednesday's stormy morning, it may have cost him his life.

Raymond was having trouble falling asleep on Tuesday night while thunderstorms were wracking the city. His lack of sleep may have ended up saving his life, however, when a tree speared through the roof of his bathroom.

Raymond entered his bathroom to find that a limb from a 40-foot-tall pin oak tree had fallen through the roof of his ceiling in the exact spot where he typically brushes his teeth in the morning. He says that if he hadn't stayed in bed, he would almost have definitely been struck by the bough.

"I actually stood up to start getting ready for work but decided to let the snooze go off one more time," says Raymond. "Laid back down and this happened just minutes afterwards."

"Good Lord was looking out for me for sure," Raymond added.

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