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Stranded Sheep Rescued After Two Years of Loneliness at the Base of Scottish Cliff

Stranded Sheep Rescued After Two Years of Loneliness at the Base of Scottish Cliff
Hemmed in by sheer cliffs and the frigid Cromarty Firth, there was enough fodder and water for her to survive to grow a huge fleece.

A sheep dubbed "Britain's loneliest" has finally been rescued by 5 strapping farmhands after being stuck on a beach for two years.

Fiona the sheep was first seen at the base of a cliff by a kayaker in Sutherland, Scotland. Hemmed in by sheer cliffs and the frigid Cromarty Firth, there was enough fodder and water for her to survive to grow a huge fleece.

After several animal rescue organizations determined the rescue was too complicated, a group of local farmers managed to haul the beast up the cliff; and though it went well, there was an unforeseen difficulty—Fiona was very fat.

Whatever else she was doing on the isolated pebble beach, she certainly spent a long time eating, with the farmers describing her as being in "incredible condition."

"We've come up here with some heavy equipment and we've got this sheep up an incredibly steep slope," said rescuer and sheep-shearer Cammy Wilson in a video on Facebook. "She's in incredible condition—it was some job lifting her up that slope."

Wilson had seen some media coverage of Fiona's plight and decided to come and help, saying that now she's free she "is going to a very special place," referring to a farm park.

Wilson is an agricultural media personality of sorts, and runs The Sheep Game video blog where he shared a local news report about Britain's loneliest sheep and commented that it would be a "great challenge for the weekend."

Once he got her safe on firm pasture again, Wilson took her to Dumfries and sheared her for national media at a farm park. The fleece—so large it was almost a danger to Fiona in the same way that a turtle shell is dangerous to the turtle if it falls flat on its back—will go to a special wool weaver where it will be made into something for a charity auction.

Commonwealth media can blow up over sheep stories. When the infamous Australian Merino wether named "Shrek" was caught after 6 years at large, it was one of the most-read stories that week across English-speaking media.

WATCH the story below from Sky News Australia…

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