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Calm Your Mind: Watch a Murmuration of Starlings Flying Just Inches From the Ground in Wales

Calm Your Mind: Watch a Murmuration of Starlings Flying Just Inches From the Ground in Wales
59-year-old Helen Day grabbed her camera after spotting a murmuration of starlings floating above the grass while out for a walk in Wales.

A 59-year-old woman grabbed her camera after spotting a murmuration of starlings while out for a walk.

Helen Day said the flock looked like a "dark spell" drifting across the grass, near Bangor in north Wales.

The language teacher and curator from Hertfordshire, England said "It was mesmerizing—like a dark spell drifting across the land."

And, it sounded like the rush of the sea. "I'm no bird watcher, but it was really freaky to me.

"It was just a happy accident that I caught it on camera."

She was on vacation in late October when she witnessed the murmuration, which occurs when a flock of starlings, which may include other species from other families, exhibit a swarm behavior in a large flight formation.

"It felt like I had the whole world to myself in that moment."

WATCH her video below…

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