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How to Fix Group Photos With Ex-Boyfriends: Replace Him With the Family Cat

How to Fix Group Photos With Ex-Boyfriends: Replace Him With the Family Cat
When her younger sister's ex-boyfriend was featured prominently in old family photos, a more reliable companion was available as a stand-in.

Why remember a wedding with your former lover when you can giggle at the family cat instead?

A kind sister trying to be helpful edited some recent family photos as a means of cheering up her newly-single sibling.

27-year-old Chloe Forsberg of Southampton, England had been in a committed four-year relationship with her boyfriend until she recently broke things off. Unfortunately, her ex was featured prominently in a lot of family photos, particularly some wedding shots.

"My cousin got married and my boyfriend was in all the official pictures," Forsberg told TODAY. "When we broke up six months (after the wedding), my sister thought it'd be fun to replace him with a picture of my cat."

Emily uploaded all the photos into Microsoft Paint and replaced Chloe's ex with images of Woof.

"I felt a bit bad to have the pictures ruined with photos of him," says Chloe. "But my sister made me feel a bit better about it."

The amusing re-dos were so purrrrfectly done, BBC 1 Radio host Greg James retweeted the photos to his 1.6 million followers.

Social media users were tickled by the DIY photo prank, including Chloe's ex, who was delighted by the effort.

"We spoke about it and we had a laugh," Forsberg said. "Some people thought it was a bit of a cruel thing, but he found it funny!"

My sister kindly replaced my ex with the cat pic.twitter.com/PHUHGJAhaA

Be Sure And Share The Pawesome Photos With Your Friends

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