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She Shares Her Wisdom With the World, Now Dozens of Strangers Surprise Her on 101st Birthday

She Shares Her Wisdom With the World, Now Dozens of Strangers Surprise Her on 101st Birthday
After spending the last few months offering guidance to the younger set, strangers from around the world decided to thank Grandma Eileen for her wisdom.


As a thank you for her wisdom and charm, hundreds of people from around the world pitched in to surprise Grandma Eileen on her 101st birthday.

The beloved senior is renowned for giving advice to stressed out New Yorkers from her home in Seattle, Washington 3,000 miles away. Her grandson, Mike Matthews, set up a makeshift therapist's booth on the streets of the Big Apple so pedestrians could Skype with Eileen and ask for her guidance. Additionally, Eileen has a Facebook and Instagram page on which she answers questions from youngsters all over the world.

Then last month, Matthews took to social media and asked if Eileen's fans could help them celebrate her birthday by sending in letters.

Thanks to a little social media magic, the senior's Post Office box was flooded with dozens of heartfelt notes, cards, and letters.

On Eileen's birthday, her family brought her into the UPS store where they had planned a surprise party – and she was delighted.

Heather Matthews, Eileen's granddaughter-in-law, told Good News Network: "It was so fun to surprise Grandma Eileen today with her party and the letters. She was so emotional as soon as we pulled up and saw the news people. She was shocked when she found out they were there to see her. Then when she walked in and saw all the people and the letters from the box, she was speechless."

Eileen later told Heather: "I don't know how I'm going to reply to all these letters… they're from all over the world. I was so excited I couldn't sleep last night!"

Heather added: "She doesn't understand why people love her, but as her family, we totally can understand. She's a very lovable person and you are drawn to her and feel an instant connection."

(WATCH Eileen's heartwarming reaction below)

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