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Stories That Matter

Elderly Woman Leaves her $400,000 Condo to the Homeless

Elderly Woman Leaves her $400,000 Condo to the Homeless
Before she died last September, Lelia Boroughs, 84, told her attorney she had no family to whom to leave her estate. So she crafted her will to leave her $400,000 condo to the city to turn into a homeless shelter.

Before she died last September, Lelia Boroughs, 84, told her attorney she had no family to whom to leave her estate. So she crafted her will to leave her $400,000 condo to the city to turn into a homeless shelter.

Her gift may bequeath the city enough funds for moving up to 150 families into housing or helping families about to lose their homes stay in them.


(READ the story in NBC-San Francisco)

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