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When Girl Writes Poem About the Eiffel Tower, the French President Responds With One of His Own

When Girl Writes Poem About the Eiffel Tower, the French President Responds With One of His Own
In honor of Sophie's 13th birthday, the French embassy tweeted her poem about the Eiffel Tower... along with a few verses from Emmanuel Macron himself.

A special birthday present for Sophie, 13 today: President @EmmanuelMacron's reply to her poem on the #EiffelTower. Bon anniversaire Sophie! pic.twitter.com/NxMTbikMBm


Seeing a school project pinned up on your household's refrigerator is one thing – it's another thing entirely when it is complimented by the president of France.

This is what happened to a 13-year-old English schoolgirl named Sophie when she wrote a poem about the Eiffel Tower inspired by her family vacation to Paris in April. The UK teen sent the sonnet, which she called "Center of Attention" to the presidential palace as a tribute to the iconic structure. The poem starts with the following lines:

"She has four beautiful legs, which help her stand proud. She looks over everyone, with her head in the clouds. She is elegant and tall, wears a pretty lace skirt, While staring at her in awe, your eyes will not avert."

Then, months later, she saw her poem on the Twitter account of the UK French Embassy.

Except it wasn't just a picture of her poem – it was also coupled with 21 verses that were written by French President Emmanuel Macron for Sophie's 13th birthday.

"How you flatter me! So few poets these days Ever sing the praises of my Parisian soul, as did Cocteau, Aragon, Cendrars, Trenet and Apollinaire…"

The president's poem ends with the Eiffel Tower sweetly encouraging Sophie to continue writing poetry by calling himself a fan.

"Take up your pen and write down Why you like me – it would be so nice and fun! ‘You can count on me! There's so much to say! I'll write twenty lines… but who will read them?' Well, I know a man who'll read your verse. ‘Really? Who?' The President of France."

You can also click here to read a copy of Macron's poem in French.

(WATCH a video of the poems below)

Happy birthday to Sophie who is 13 today. She wrote a #poem to @emmanuelmacron about @LaTourEiffel... and he wrote her one in return! pic.twitter.com/etESO8oVeK

Oh La La! Click To Share The Sweet News With Your Friends (Feature Photo by the Presidencia de la República Mexicana, CC)

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