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When Girl Asks For a Day Off For Dad, Google Gives Her Something Better #TBT

When Girl Asks For a Day Off For Dad, Google Gives Her Something Better #TBT
"Can you please make sure when daddy goes to work, he gets one day off?" wrote little Katie. "It is summer, you know."

No one should have to work on their birthday – which is why Google took gave extra attention to a little girl who asked if her father could have the day off.

The youngster hand-wrote a letter to the tech company in blue crayon, that read:

Dear Google Worker,

Can you please make sure when daddy goes to work, he gets one day off. Like he can get a day off on Wednesday. Because daddy only gets a day off on Saturday.

From, Katie

P.S. It is Daddy's BIRTHDAY

P.P.S. It is summer, you know

Who could resist something so cute? Certainly not Senior Design Manager Daniel Shiplacoff, who immediately wrote a letter back to Katie, saying:

"Dear Katie, Thank you for your thoughtful note and request. Your father has been hard at work designing many beautiful and delightful things for Google and millions of people across the globe."

"On the occasion of his Birthday, and recognizing the importance of taking some Wednesdays off during the summer, we are giving him the whole first week of July as vacation time. Enjoy!"

While the letters were originally posted to Imgur back in 2014, the sweet exchange has resurfaced on social media and earned praise for Google.

Some users have called the letters a publicity stunt, but Google has confirmed for The Blaze the validity of the notes

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