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Run Over by A Car, Mob of High Schoolers Hoist the Machine Off Mother and 2 Kids

Run Over by A Car, Mob of High Schoolers Hoist the Machine Off Mother and 2 Kids
A woman driving very slowly, yet partially blinded by the low winter sun coming in through the windscreen, ran the three down.

In Utah, a mother and two children were run over in a high school parking lot when a horde of students came running to help.

The CEO of the private school praised the speed and determination of the high schoolers, who arrived en masse to help lift the car to one side and allow the trapped family to escape.

It was in early December that the mother and her kids, ages 2 and 3, were walking back across the Layton Christian Academy parking lot to their car when a woman driving very slowly, yet partially blinded by the low winter sun coming in through the windscreen, ran the three down.

CEO of the Academy, Chris Crowder, said that the vehicle was small and had very little ground clearance.

"I ran back in the building to grab as many students as possible," Crowder told Good Morning America. "The car was just on top of them and squishing them."

With an active-duty military airman in the parking lot as well, and Crowder to organize them, the man-and-woman-power of the teenagers allowed them to free the trapped family in just about three minutes.

"Three minutes doesn't sound like a long time, but certainly in a critical incident like that, when stress is high, that seems like a really long time," said Lt. Travis Lyman of the Layton Police Department, who said the whole Department was proud of the students for how fast they acted.

GMA reports that the mom, who was an employee of the school, was taken to the hospital where she underwent surgery for non-life-threatening injuries, while the children had only minor abrasions and bruising.

WATCH the rescue footage below… 

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