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New Roof on Women's Shelter Being Called 'Miracle on 22nd Street'

New Roof on Women's Shelter Being Called 'Miracle on 22nd Street'
A leaky roof that's been plaguing a Kansas City women's shelter might never have been fixed, because repair estimates totaled $60,000. But the building got a new roof thanks to the generosity of two Kansas City businesses, and, as odd as it might sound, the consumer review site Angie's List that brought everyone together.

A leaky roof that's been plaguing a Kansas City women's group home is no longer a problem, thanks to the generosity of two Kansas City businesses, and, as odd as it might sound, the consumer review site Angie's List that brought everyone together.

The Princess House, a safe haven for abused women and those who are striving to turn their lives around, desperately needed a new 8000 square foot roof on the Victorian residence near 22nd and Benton. But with quotes to replace the roof coming in as high as $60,000, Princess House' founder and director, Dr. Sarita Lynn Graham, knew it would take a miracle.

And, miracles in this economically challenged northeastern part of the city involving that kind of money are hard to find. But now, she says, that's exactly what has happened.

It started when a volunteer, on a lark, called Angie's List and was introduced to the Angie's List Wishmakers program that pairs highly-rated service companies with those in need. Depending on the request, there may be just one service provider involved, or a group of companies working together. A notice went out to all the roofing company members in Kansas City laying out the challenge.

Christian Brothers Roofing, a highly-rated roofing company on Angie's List, answered the call and has spearheaded the local effort to raise the roof on the Princess House.

"Christian Brothers Roofing is a faith-based organization with a history of setting aside a percentage of profits to contribute to charities and projects in our community," says owner D. Scott Horstmann. "But I have to say, when I first saw the scope of this job and just how bad the roof was, I had to do some praying myself to figure out how to make this one work."

Horstmann wasn't the only one praying. The women and the staff at the faith-based Princess House had a prayer team going almost 24-7. They fully understood what an undertaking they were asking of a company, even one as generous as Christian Brothers Roofing.

"We were praying that Scott would get the help he needed with the materials, because his team would be providing the labor. We were 'only' missing about $18,000 in roofing supplies to make the job possible," Graham says.

The missing Good Samaritan piece of the puzzle turned out to be RSG of Kansas City. A supplier used by Horstmann, it just so happened that the company had recently finished an enormous job, but had a large supply of materials left over-and top-quality materials at that.

"We're just glad all the pieces fell together and that we could help the Princess House in its endeavor to help our community," says Michael Lyle, managing partner of RSG.

That's a sentiment voiced by Angie's List founder, Angie Hicks of Indianapolis. "Through our Wishmakers program we typically help one family at a time, but this project will benefit dozens of women in need for years to come."

Graham and her board are overjoyed. "How all this came together-from the appeal made on Angie's List to two good-hearted Kansas City companies answering the call for help-well, it's nothing short of miraculous-a miracle on 22nd Street."

Work began Tuesday, September 3, and was concluded on Friday.

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