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Salon Welcomes Their Rival Business With Open Arms, After Disaster Closed Their Doors

Salon Welcomes Their Rival Business With Open Arms, After Disaster Closed Their Doors
Despite how they have competed for customers in the past, two rival salons have happily been working side-by-side out of the same building since Christmas.

Some businesses might be tempted to take advantage of a rival store's hardship and scoop up some extra customers, but this friendly neighborhood hair salon became a role model for its own style of competition.

Allendale Hair Studios was forced to temporarily close its doors after a fire damaged their building on Christmas Eve.

With a team of 15 stylists left high and dry, the salon's owner, Doree Mortillo, did not know where to turn – so she called Charles Gilbride.

Gilbride is the co-owner of Willow and Edge Salon and Spa, the rival hair salon located just down the road from Allendale in New Jersey.

Upon nervously explaining her predicament to Gilbride, he immediately insisted on welcoming her team into his facility.

They would run their businesses side by side out of the same building.

"Neighbors always help neighbors," Gilbride told CBS News. "They're our neighbors in town and when people are in trouble you help out."

(WATCH the video below — NOTE for International Viewers: Watch the footage on the CBS News website)

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