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Retirees Share Top 40 Pearls of Wisdom With Our Younger Generations

Retirees Share Top 40 Pearls of Wisdom With Our Younger Generations
Retired Brits are giving pearls of wisdom to younger generations, including advice like 'say I love you more.'

Retired Brits have revealed their top 40 ‘pearls of wisdom' to pass on to younger generations, including saying "I love you" more often, and being confident in your own skin.

The poll of 1,000 retired adults also advised young people never to compare themselves to others—and to phone their family once a week.

Others warned the younger ones to enjoy their youth, exercise more often, and to step outside of their comfort zone.

The questionnaire found 67% of retirees do have regrets—such as not traveling the world (44%), worrying what other people thought (43%), and not keeping physically fit (40%).

A spokesman from Voltarol, which commissioned the poll, said: "It's certainly been interesting to see the insight and wisdom the older generation would pass on to the youth of today.

"Much of the insight revolves around enjoying life, respecting others, and being the best you can be, which I'm sure most would agree with.

"It was particularly fascinating to see how the older generation would recommend appreciating your younger body, and wishing they'd kept physically fit."

The poll also found that when casting their minds back to their childhood years, older retirees miss hot summers (37%, playing outside until the streetlights came on (36%), and family holidays (30%).

The study also revealed retirees would like to pass on more practical advice such as getting on a company pension scheme, saving for your retirement in your twenties, and investing in property.

Regardless of ability, 89% said they might be old, but they're young at heart.

And one in 10 have tried yoga or tai chi since retiring, 23% have gone to concerts, and 29% have taken on a community garden plot—showing there's always time to take on new hobbies and interests.


1. Treat others how you'd like to be treated yourself 2. Manners don't cost a thing 3. Always try your best 4. Accept a company pension scheme if offered 5. Don't spend all your time on social media and live in the real world 6. Start saving for retirement in your twenties 7. Don't take anything for granted 8. You don't have to go to university for a successful career 9. Hold onto those closest to you 10. Be confident in your own skin 11. Respect your elders 12. Enjoy your youth 13. Never give up 14. Do what makes you happy 15. Family comes first 16. Don't waste your time on jealousy 17. Don't compare yourself to others 18. Don't go to sleep on an argument 19. Invest in a property 20. Phone your parents every week 21. Say I love you more 22. Don't have any regrets 23. Don't sweat about the small stuff 24. Spend more time outside 25. Exercise more often 26. Never go to bed angry 27. Laugh more at everything 28. Be more patient 29. Be more confident 30. If you don't ask, you don't get 31. Don't compare your style to others 32. Appreciate your younger body 33. Try something new 34. Don't take things personally 35. Spend more time with children 36. Step outside your comfort zone 37. Don't overindulge 38. Phone your grandparents every week 39. Remember the compliments you receive 40. Less is more

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