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Man Uses Lottery Winnings to Buy Billboards to Help Save Women's Lives

Man Uses Lottery Winnings to Buy Billboards to Help Save Women's Lives
A 79-year-old Milwaukee man decided to use all his $200,000 winnings to rent billboards that remind young women to pay attention to their health.

After 79-year-old Jack Maier won the lottery in 2006, he decided to use the winnings to rent a bunch of billboards around town to remind young women to pay attention to their health.

The billboards going up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin cost $2,000 each for only one month of advertising, but after losing his wife, Myrna, to breast cancer, Maier was determined to urge other women to get mammograms, and second opinions.


He won more than $300,000 in the SuperCash jackpot and says he's going to continue his personal crusade until he runs out of money.

(WATCH the video below or READ more from the Journal Sentinel) – Photo: Journal-Sentinel  Video

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