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Police Are 'Happily Surprised' to Report Zero Roadside Busts for Drunk Driving On New Year's Eve

Police Are 'Happily Surprised' to Report Zero Roadside Busts for Drunk Driving On New Year's Eve
In a city of 517,000 people, police were delighted to report that none of the motorists who passed through their road strops were driving while impaired.

Contrary to what you might expect, the police officers of this major city were delighted to report that none of the drivers they breathalyzed at road checkpoints were busted for driving while illegally impaired.

Surrey is the second largest city in British Columbia, Canada with a population of roughly half a million. Vancouver holds the title for biggest city with just 100,000 more residents.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police of Surrey had several road stops set up across the city throughout New Year's Eve and New Year's - and despite breathalyzing hundreds of drivers, no one had a blood alcohol content over the legal limit.

"We had no criminal impaired investigations or charges this year," Surrey RCMP spokesperson Chad Grieg told Global News. "Surprised? I am, happily surprised."

"I think it's people understanding it's not just their safety, it's the safety of other people on the road," he added.

Additionally, Grief said that drivers were also better behaved in contrast to years past.

The lack of impairment is a prime example of the continuously declining rate of drunk driving across North America. According to the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility, their education efforts and outreach programs have been linked to a drop in impaired driving over the course of the last two decades in the United States.

"For more than two decades, the foundation has been leading the fight to eliminate drunk driving and underage drinking," reads their website. "During this time, drunk driving fatalities have declined 31% and among those under 21, the number of fatalities has decreased 65%.

"Underage drinking among the nation's youth has continued to decline with fewer reporting drinking each year - past month consumption decreasing 53% since 1991 - while the number of conversations among parents and kids has increased."

Be Sure And Share The Good News With Your Friends On Social Media - File photo by Tech Sgt. Chad Thompson / U.S. Air Force

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