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Racist Outburst Led Man to Transform Life of His Homeless Abuser

Racist Outburst Led Man to Transform Life of His Homeless Abuser
A man who turned the other cheek when a homeless man in Bradford, England shouted racist slurs at him has since helped his abuser find a home and work.

A man who turned the other cheek when a homeless man in Bradford, England shouted racist slurs at him has since helped his abuser find a home and work.

Aminur Chowdhury hopes his forgiving nature and the subsequent turn-around of Ben Gallon's attitude will help educate others.

The 30-year-old was racially abused by Mr Gallon, 27, outside the Delius pub, Claremont, Bradford on May 14. But rather than retaliate or ignore Mr Gallon, he instead talked to him.

(READ more from Telegraph and Argus)

Story tip from Andrew Potten – Photo "Suresh Smile" by dhyanji via flickr – CC license

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