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Policeman Drives 100 Miles So Youth Can Be Home After His Sister Dies

Policeman Drives 100 Miles So Youth Can Be Home After His Sister Dies
Thanks to Sergeant David Robison, Mark was able to make it the last 100 miles to his grieving family in Detroit after the death of his sister.

It was 3AM on a Sunday when Mark Ross learned that his 15-year-old sister had been killed in a car accident by a drunk driver.

Devastated by his loss, he begged his friend to drive him from his home in Indiana to where his family was in Detroit, Michigan. Even though Mark had an outstanding misdemeanor warrant in the city and his friend had a suspended license, the two hit the road.

Until, however, they got pulled over in Ohio by Sergeant David Robison.

"I explained to the officer that my sister had died and that I needed to get to my mother asap," Mark wrote on Facebook. "I broke down crying and he saw the sincerity in my cry."

David called the Wayne County police department about coming to pick up Mark but they refused because of the distance.

That's when he offered to drive Mark the last 100 miles himself.

"Everybody knows how much I dislike cops but I am truly grateful for this guy. He gave me hope."

Robison drove Mark the rest of the way to Detroit, prayed over him and his family, and dropped him off at a coffee shop where his cousin picked him up.

His grieving family was so touched by the officer's gesture that they invited him to the funeral, to which he is attending.

Multiply The Good: Click To Share – Photo by Mark Ross

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