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Can't Get Home For the Holidays? This Guy Can Help

Can't Get Home For the Holidays? This Guy Can Help
Working as a corporate speaker, Peter Shankman has racked up a lot of frequent flier miles – so he's using them to get people home for the holidays.

Peter Shankman knows what it's like to be away from his family – that's why he's making sure that others will be home for Christmas as well.

The American entrepreneur travels a lot for work-related ventures, allowing him to stock up on frequent flyer miles along the way. This year in particular, Shankman says he broke his previous record by flying a total of 350,000 miles. For comparison, he states that the moon is 238,000 miles away.

"After I gave away miles last year, Imgur reached out to thank me, which I thought was super cool," wrote Shankman. "But again this year, even after giving away my miles to my assistant, my friends, and my family, I have a lot of miles left over."

"I'd like to send at least two, (hopefully three or four or more) Imgurians home for the holidays this year, because I like making people smile."

If fellow users also have some stockpiled miles to spare, they can join forces with the charismatic corporate speaker and donate them to the cause. The post has already been viewed over 800,000 times.

Fly This Story To Your Friends: Click To Share – Photo by Peter Shankman

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