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Police Officers Stand In For Children's Parents Who Couldn't Make it to School Dance

Police Officers Stand In For Children's Parents Who Couldn't Make it to School Dance
Some parents weren't able to attend their children's school dance this week - so instead of allowing the youngsters to dance on their own, 4 police deputies showed up to bust a move.

While school dances may be fun ways for children to bond with their parents, some moms and dads just can't join in because of their work or responsibilities.

So as a means of encouraging the kids who had no parents at Bonlee Elementary School's Daddy/Daughter and Mother/Son Dance, some compassionate police officers showed up to bust a move instead.

Four deputes from the Chatham County Sheriff's Office in North Carolina went to the dance so they could act as stand-ins for the absentee parents - and judging by some of the Facebook photos of the event, it was a huge success.

"We wanted families to have a good time together, but we recognize that not all children live with their parents and not all parents are able to take off work to attend a school event," said a Facebook post by Donna Griffith of the the Chatham County Sheriff's Office.

"The community really seemed to embrace it and students are already asking for it to be offered again next year."

"It felt like something the kids really needed," said Deputy Jonathan Thomas.

"School dances can feel a little awkward at first, but once the kids saw us out there being silly they knew it was okay for them to jump in. I think it also gave parents the courage to let go and join in with us."

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