Playgrounds built for seniors are helping older folks in Spain stay physically and socially active, and mentally sharp. Now, 50 are set to be built in the US.
With an aging population in Spain, health professionals are looking for ways to keep its elderly citizens active and healthy.
No longer resigned to a park bench while they watch grandchildren have all the fun, ‘playgrounds' for seniors are popping up all over the country.
The activities were designed to help keep motor skills sharp and mental abilities keen, while offering the added benefit of keeping seniors socializing. Therapies include exercising with hand pedals, crossing plank bridges, and navigating brain teasers.
"Kids can also have fun here," physical therapist Paz Vidal told Public Radio International. "The parks help create family cohesion. And it's intergenerational."
Across the ocean, the health care company Humana and the non-profit group KaBOOM! have joined forces to build 50 similar playgrounds in the U.S. to offer the same benefits to Americans.
(WATCH the PRI video) – Photo: PRI video
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