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Petite Woman Builds Small Hydro Plants Bringing Electricity to Half Million Indonesians

Petite Woman Builds Small Hydro Plants Bringing Electricity to Half Million Indonesians
Indonesian electricity entrepreneur, Tri Mumpuni Iskandar - IBEKA photoAn Indonesian woman has developed micro-hydro projects that have already delivered electricity – and all that comes with it – to half a million Indonesians. The charismatic director wants to get power to the other 90 million Indonesians who are still without it.

An Indonesian woman has developed micro-hydro projects that have already delivered electricity – and all that comes with it – to half a million Indonesians.

The charismatic director of the People Centered Business and Economic Institute (IBEKA), loves to be out in the villages. But lately she spends much of her time in the U.S., drumming up donor support in an effort to get power to the other 90 million Indonesians who are still without it.


(READ the story in the CS Monitor)

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