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This Dog is the Perfect Nanny for Spunky Exotic Zoo Animal Orphans

This Dog is the Perfect Nanny for Spunky Exotic Zoo Animal Orphans
This Australian Shepherd teaches baby animals how to socialize with others at the Cincinnati Zoo, like a six-week-old goat-antelope already bigger than him.

Everyone has a favorite animal at the zoo – lions or chimps or giraffes – but in Ohio, the animals have a favorite… the little dog that raised them.

The Australian Shepherd lives in the Cincinnati Zoo's nursery, where he teaches baby animals how to socialize and exercise. Blakely also helps them calm down when they're anxious or excited.

Right now, his teacher's pet is a six-week old goat-antelope species known as a takin (rhymes with "walkin'").


The takin, who was abandoned by its mother, learns the finer points of animal etiquette by going on walks and rough-housing with Blakely, which will prepare him to rejoin his herd without embarrassing himself around the watering hole.

Blakely, who has the patience of a Saint – Bernard, that is – is easy-going and tolerates baby animals who bite and chew on his ears and legs. He doesn't much care for the takin's head-butts, though.

(WATCH the video below or READ the story from the  Cincinnati Enquirer) — Photos: Enquirer video


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