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Parents Turn 8-Year-Old Son's Wheelchair Into Amazing 'Wheel of Fortune' Costume

Parents Turn 8-Year-Old Son's Wheelchair Into Amazing 'Wheel of Fortune' Costume
If you have never been on the actual "Wheel of Fortune" show, then have no fear - you can just use Anthony Alfano's Halloween costume instead.

With Halloween just around the corner, Anthony Alfano's parents decided to give their son a sweet new set of wheels for his costume - or rather, it is actually just one wheel. But it's twice as cool.

8-year-old Anthony uses a wheelchair because of his cerebral palsy. So whenever the spooky holiday season rolls around, his parents make him an elaborate costume based around his wheelchair.

CHECK OUT: Dad Builds Halloween Costumes Around Wheelchairs as a Nonprofit

In the past, Anthony has dressed up as a horse jockey, the Lincoln Memorial, and even Zoltar the fortune teller.

This year, the non-verbal youngster from Illinois will be dressed up as the "Wheel of Fortune". There is even an actual spinning wheel strapped to his chair so it will move with him wherever he goes.

LOOK: Cyclists Volunteer to Give Nature Rides to Wheelchair Bound

"People started really responding to Anthony's costumes and expecting it every year," Deanna told Inside Edition. "My husband growing up was really into Halloween so it just kind of snowballed."

"Once he's in his costume he totally he laughs and smiles and definitely loves the attention," she added.

(WATCH the video below)

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