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Driver Makes Every Kid on Her Route Feel Special, Hand-making Each a Toy

Driver Makes Every Kid on Her Route Feel Special, Hand-making Each a Toy
Every single one of Trudy Serres's adorable crocheted creations were made with love especially for the child.

This dedicated bus driver has quite a knack for making her passengers feel special.

43-year-old Trudy Serres is a bus driver for Summit Elementary School in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. Her second job – which she does for free – is crocheting special toys for every single one of the children on her bus route.

CHECK OUT: Bus Driver Surprises Kids With Hundreds of Books For the Summer

Her labor of love first began when her 10-year-old son requested a knitted replica of a taco – his favorite food. When she stitched up the little masterpiece, her son started showing it off to all of his fellow students. Soon, all of the youngsters wanted stuffed toys of their own.

Serres went down the aisle of her bus and took requests from all 34 of her little passengers – and she flourished all of the orders with love in every stitch.

The driver knitted everything from stuffed animals, to Star Wars characters, to food and knick knacks. Her payment for the custom toys? Serres says that she does it solely for the smiles on the children's faces.

"Found out from parents that some take them to bed, some go to church with them," says Serres. "Some had to go on vacation with them. Makes my heart melt that these little items mean so much to these beautiful children."

Click To Share This Sweet Story With Your Friends (Photo by Trudy Serres)

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