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The Way to a Man's-And Woman's-Heart Really IS Through Their Stomach

The Way to a Man's-And Woman's-Heart Really IS Through Their Stomach
A new poll revealed that most believe the age-old adage does ring true: The way to a man's heart is through his stomach-a woman's too.

A new poll of 2,000 adults revealed that more than half believe the age-old adage does ring true: 'The way to a man's heart is through his stomach'. And 62 percent of the men believe it applies to them.

57 percent of women believe it applies to them, too.

Almost three in five admitted their mood can be improved with good food, and more than a third said some of their most treasured memories are around eating.

A further 27 percent class themselves as a 'foodie', while 24 percent say they are a 'feeder'.

Similarly, people claim feeding others brings them happiness (62 percent), while others do it because of a maternal or paternal instinct (36 percent), or because they like to share their culinary creations (34 percent).

The survey, commissioned by the brioche makers at St Pierre, identified cooking from scratch, knowing how to make something without a recipe, and not getting stressed in the kitchen, as being among the things that impress people about others.

Many respondents say they have tried to impress others with their great cooking skills (44 percent) and by creating a meal out of leftovers (34 percent).

Almost half believe sharing food brings people together, and most people typically have three conversations a day about food.

10% have even set up a social media page dedicated to their passion for food, and 14% have visited another country purely for the cuisines-with Italy, Greece, and Spain at the top of the list.

When asked what stood out about food in fond memories, the answers including the taste (61%), smell (42%) and appearance (36%). More than one in five said it was preparing food with their loved ones.

"Foods often bring back nostalgic experiences… and it's great to see how passionate the nation is about food," says Paul Baker, founder of St Pierre.

The survey, conducted by OnePoll, also found it's important to 62 percent that a potential partner likes food. A quarter said they struggle to understand people who don't get excited by food, while 37 percent confessed that fussy eaters annoy them.

When meeting up with a friend, relative, or date, 44% said it's likely to involve eating.

"Whenever you ask someone about their favorite food, the reason for their answer is almost always linked to a treasured memory," said Baker. "And that's a beautiful thing."

St Pierre has developed an online quiz to identify the way to your heart, along with a host of recipes to share with loved ones this festive season.

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