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Paramedics Stop to Do Right Thing After Seeing 98-Year-old Mowing the Lawn in the Heat

Paramedics Stop to Do Right Thing After Seeing 98-Year-old Mowing the Lawn in the Heat
These two Texas paramedics weren't about to drive past a senior mowing the lawn by herself in the harsh June heat.

When these paramedics drove past an elderly woman mowing the lawn by herself in debilitating temperatures, they knew they had to turn around and do the right thing.

Paramedic Kent Haney and EMT Matt Linda of the East Texas Medical Center ambulance crew in Waco pulled their ambulance over in front of the senior's house. After briefly chatting with her, Haney and Linda offered to finish mowing the lawn.

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Durham's neighbor Dashlin James was working on his car outside when he saw the ambulance pull over in front of the senior's house. Concerned for Durham's health, he kept an eye on the scene until he saw the paramedics taking over the lawnmower.

Moved by the strangers' kindness, James snapped a picture of the sweet scene.

"Definitely an act of kindness!" James told KWTX. "I thought it was a very great gesture of them, I mean, when they're not saving lives, they're out helping the community, it's greatly appreciated and I'm sure she appreciates it as well."

Now that Haney and Linda know about Durham, they say they will be checking up on her every so often in the future.

Grow Some Positivity: Click To Share The News With Your Friends (Photo by Dashlin James)

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