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Bikers Escort Bullied 10-Year-old Boy to School With Dignity

Bikers Escort Bullied 10-Year-old Boy to School With Dignity
These tough-looking bikers walked a 4th grader to school on Wednesday in a fierce display of anti-bullying.

VIDEO: After a year of bullying 10 year old Xander Rose would like to forget. An escort to school he will always remember. @CTVAtlantic pic.twitter.com/fgQ55ouBNo


After being mercilessly bullied and made fun of, Xander Rose was given a day at school that he won't soon forget.

That's because he was walked up to the doors of Harbourside Elementary School in Sydney, Nova Scotia on Wednesday morning with an entourage of tough looking, leather-clad bikers.

Xander has been the victim of bullying for years, with peers even going so far as to send him death threats. Despite repeated pleas for help from school administration, the intimidation didn't stop.

She then reached out to children's advocacy group Defenders of Children, who orchestrated the event with the bikers.

The motorcyclists met in a parking lot before picking Xander up from his house and escorting him to school on the back of one of their bikes. They even gave Xander a leather jacket of his own to symbolize his association with the crew.

As the gang walked the 10-year-old up to the school doors, onlookers applauded the striking scene.

"His family has grown, I wouldn't even say tenfold, I'd say thousand-fold," one of the bikers told CTV Atlantic. "My brothers in B.C. are talking about it out there. The message is getting out finally."

Click To Share This Cool Story With Your Friends – Photo by Kyle Moore

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