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Miami Heat Star Scores Off Court

Miami Heat Star Scores Off Court
Miami Heat basketball star, Dwyane Wade, who is the leading NBA scorer, heard the plight of a South Florida woman whose nephew accidentally burned down her home—and ruined all the family's possessions... So he helped the family move into a new home, just in time for Christmas, giving Dawn Smith the keys to a new house on Wednesday,

Miami Heat basketball star, Dwyane Wade, who is the leading NBA scorer, heard the plight of a South Florida woman whose nephew accidentally burned down her home—and ruined all the family's possessions… So he helped the family move into a new home, just in time for Christmas, giving Dawn Smith the keys to a new house on Wednesday, along with some furnishings, clothing and gifts to make sure her family has a joyous holiday. His charitable foundation will make payments until the family gets back on their feet. (Read the AP story in Kansas City Star)

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