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Crowdfunding a Greek Bailout, Englishman Raises Quarter Million Euro

Crowdfunding a Greek Bailout, Englishman Raises Quarter Million Euro
Donate cash and get Greek goods in return – that's the idea behind one Englishman's effort to help Greece during its economic crisis.

Donate cash and get Greek goods in return – that's the idea behind one Englishman's effort to help Greece during its economic crisis.

More than a quarter million Euros were raised in 14 days with donations from 14,000 people around the world.

The campaign was started by Thom Feeney, a 29-year-old from London, who just wanted to help the embattled people of Greece.

He set up an Indiegogo crowdfunding page while the world waited for any action by the EU on a second bailout. Feeney wrote, "This is a humanitarian crisis, not just an economic crisis and it's about bloody time someone did something."


Everyone who donated to the now-closed campaign will receive Greek-made products, like postcards, and bottles of Greek wine or Ouzo.

Feeney says he wanted to offer the donation incentives to help stimulate trade and investment, and says all profits will go to Desmos – a non-profit foundation aimed to help fight youth unemployment in Greece.

This is Feeney's second bailout crowdfunding effort. His first campaign was set up to raise a fixed amount, rather than collecting whatever funds were donated – which he now admits was a mistake. Because he chose the former option and set the goal too high, all 2 million Euros in donated cash had to be refunded.


He was a trooper for the Hellenic Republic, though, and set up another campaign that will provide €289,152 to aid in the recovery.

Photo: Christine Zenino – CC

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