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15-Year-old Immediately Saves a Life on First Day of Summer Job

15-Year-old Immediately Saves a Life on First Day of Summer Job
This teen had only been on the clock for 20 minutes when he heard a young boy calling for help.

It may be a lifeguard's job to keep a watchful eye over the lives of swimmers, but this teen wasn't expecting to save a life within minutes of being put on the job.

15-year-old Jack Viglianco had just started his first shift as a lifeguard at the Charles A. Foster pool in Lakewood, Ohio last Thursday when – after only being on the clock for 20 minutes – he heard a cry for help.

As he splashed around in desperation, Jack leapt into action, jumping into the pool and helping the boy to safety.

And just like that, the teen was a hero.

"I was realizing that I just saved a kid's life," Jack told WJW. "And that is something not many other people can say. Nothing my friends have ever said."

According to pool workers, lifeguards are a hugely necessary part of the facility; during last summer alone, there were over 42 incidents of people starting to drown. All were saved thanks to the lifeguards on duty.

(WATCH the video below)

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