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This is The One Meal Americans Feel Confident in Their Ability to Cook

This is The One Meal Americans Feel Confident in Their Ability to Cook
With a limited confidence in cooking, most Americans in this recent survey said they only can cook one meal without help in the kitchen.

Over a third of Americans have felt judged about their cooking skills—and no wonder. Four in Ten said in a new survey that they can only prepare one meal without outside help, and that is breakfast—eggs and French toast.

A survey of 2,000 adults found that a "Top Chef" appearance probably isn't in the future for these Americans, as one in five (just 21%) say they have only one standout dish in their arsenal.

The survey, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Mazola corn oil, asked respondents what makes them feel most confident in kitchen.

The top five meals that they can make without consulting a recipe are eggs over easy (49%), scrambled eggs (46%), hard boiled eggs (44%), poached eggs (44%) and french toast (41%).

But even the simplest recipes can cause chaos for these folks in the kitchen. On average, respondents said they forget four ingredients per month while cooking. And, over half admitted they've had a full-on kitchen disasters, prompting 31% to trash it and start from scratch.

The best news of all? Kitchen mishaps will not keep these intrepid cooks from taking on new culinary challenges in 2020.

49% plan on tackling more complex recipes in the new year and 45% hope to diversify the types of cuisine they cook.

They also aspire to update their skills with 42% hoping to master air frying, which claims to mimic deep frying with nothing more than hot air and a few drops of oil—just in time for Healthy Heart Month in February. 36% are dreaming of becoming a baking maestro, and a third want to set their grill skills on fire.


1. Eggs over easy 49% 2. Scrambled eggs 46% 3. Hard boiled eggs 44% 4. Poached eggs 44% 5. French toast 41% 6. Soup 36% 7. Grilled cheese 36% 8. Pasta 36% 9. Rice 36% 10. Salad 36%

(Featured photo by Gabriel Gurrola–public domain)

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