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The 50 Best Images From Around the World That Illustrate Freedom

The 50 Best Images From Around the World That Illustrate Freedom
Fifty photographers from around the world have been selected as finalists for Agora's photography contest themed around "Freedom".


“Jump” by Anskar Lenzen in Montenegro.


“Silks” by David Martinez in Moab, Utah.


“To give free” by Swe Tun depicting a farmer and his son in Myanmar.


“Untitled” by Agora user Brodsla depicting a woman at Lempuyang Temple in Bali.


“Free jump” by Shibasish Saha in North Bengal, India.


“Happy High Jump” by Aung Thu Ya in MyaTheinTan Pagoda, Saggaing, Myanmar also focuses on the joy of a child for the contest theme.


“Breaking Free” by Tom Bridges.


“Above the clouds” by Pitkovskiy Oleg Viktorovic on Hafelekar Mountain, Austria.


“Fly high” by Martina Birnbaum in Seattle, Washington.

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