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NFL Player Spends Thousands so Kids Can Have Fun in the Sun For Free

NFL Player Spends Thousands so Kids Can Have Fun in the Sun For Free
This Oakland Raiders player is making sure that 2,000 kids will be able to splash around in the heat this summer totally free of charge.

Marshawn Lynch, newly-appointed running back for the Oakland Raiders, has just announced that he will be giving away 2,000 free waterpark tickets to his native city's youth population this summer.

Since each ticket usually comes with a price tag of $29, the entire package is estimated to have costed Lynch $56,000. But, Lynch says it's a small price to pay for giving joy to the kids of his hometown.

This is not the first generous act that the football player has shown to California's children, either – Lynch has offered free haircuts to youths getting good grades, and hosted almost a dozen free summer clinics for underprivileged kids.

"When he comes back home, he's genuine, he's real. For kids looking up to him, for me looking up to him, we see it's possible to get out of Oakland and do something positive," said Seahawks rookie safety Ryan Murphy about his cousin Lynch.

Come get urs!!!! Yes Lawd!!!! pic.twitter.com/q7LE1u7lRq

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