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Mystery Donor Gives Money To Vandalized Stores In Ferguson, Keeps Town 'Hopeful'

Mystery Donor Gives Money To Vandalized Stores In Ferguson, Keeps Town 'Hopeful'
Neighbors are helping neighbors in the riot-weary town of Ferguson. An unidentified man delivered encouraging words last week along with envelopes of cash to businesses cleaning up after the Missouri neighborhood protests left shops vandalized.

Neighbors are helping neighbors in the riot-weary town of Ferguson.

An unidentified man delivered encouraging words last week along with envelopes of cash to businesses cleaning up after the Missouri neighborhood protests left shops vandalized.

"He reached out and he gave me an envelope, and in the envelope, it was two $50 bills," said one shop owner whose windows were broken. "He said I'm sorry for your losses, and he turned around and he walked out the door."

Residents have seen other displays of community spirit, like the day dozens of teachers and students cleaned up litter following the demonstrations.

(WATCH the inspiring video or read the story at Huffpost (NOTE: the video starts playing when you land on the webpage)

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