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Wedding Photo From 9/11 Rubble Now in Owner's Hand 13 Years Later

Wedding Photo From 9/11 Rubble Now in Owner's Hand 13 Years Later
A woman who worked 13 years to return a wedding photo found in the rubble of the World Trade Center after the 9/11 attacks finally found the owner, thanks to 81,000 people who retweeting the image this year.

A woman who worked 13 years to return a wedding photo found in the rubble of the World Trade Center after the 9/11 attacks finally found the owner, thanks to 81,000 people who retweeting the image this year.

Fred Mahe thought he'd never again see the photograph he had tacked to his cubicle wall on the 77th floor.

But the photograph of him with his college friends at their wedding somehow survived the attacks and for the past 13 years a college professor named Elizabeth Stringer Keefe, who was given the photo by a friend who found it in the ash near Ground Zero, has tried to find its owners.

Every year on #911 I post this photo hoping 2 return 2 owner. Found at #groundzero #WTC in 2001. Pls RT pic.twitter.com/mZ9LdQqE7x

(READ the story from ABC News)

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