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Stories That Matter

10 Best Stories When Kindness and Heroics Went Viral in 2018

10 Best Stories When Kindness and Heroics Went Viral in 2018
If you need some inspiration for being more compassionate in 2019, here are the top ten most popular stories from this year.

Beth Bornstein Dunnington was at LAX waiting to board her flight to Portland when she saw a mother who was having some problems with her son.

"A toddler who looked to be eighteen or so months old was having a total meltdown, running between the seats, kicking and screaming, then lying on the ground, refusing to board the plane," wrote Dunnington.

"His young mom, who was clearly pregnant and traveling alone with her son, became completely overwhelmed … she finally sat down on the floor and put her head in her hands, with her kid next to her still having a meltdown, and started crying."

Then, six or seven women from around the boarding area convened on the young mother, formed a little circle around her and her toddler, and they all did something to help calm down the distressed duo.

Photo by Wendy Bailey

An empathetic employee was hailed for delivering more than just packages to a Mississippi family.

More specifically, he went out of his way to deliver a box to a 6-year-old boy when the youngster was heartbroken to find that his family's new refrigerator was not delivered in a cardboard box that he could use to build a fort.

Photo by Mandi Miller

When a father gave a good-natured response to a text from a wrong number, donations poured in for his son's cancer treatment – and it all started when a woman named Syd accidentally texted Tony Wood with a picture of herself wearing an evening gown in a department store.

Wood, who is a father of six kids in Spring Hill, Tennessee, responded to the photos by saying: "I believe this message was intended for someone else. My wife isn't home, so I couldn't get her opinion, but the kids and I think you look stunning in your dress! You should definitely go with that one!"

Not only that, he also sent a photo of his kids all giving a reassuring thumbs up – but social media users noticed that there were two people missing from the photo.

Photo by Ben Lack Photography

Arron Walshaw was desperate to buy a ticket for a Lotto Millionaire Raffle before it closed. When he quickly popped into a shop, he walked up to the counter and found himself waiting behind a woman who had approached the cashier before him.

Sensing his anxiety, the woman told Walshaw to go ahead of her. With two minutes to spare, he bought a ticket for the raffle. He thanked the woman and left.

Thanks to that small act of kindness, Walshaw was able to buy a multi-million dollar winning ticket.

Photo by Amanda Needham

When a thief stole Amanda Needham's bike from the front of her home, she left a giant angry sign in its place as an expression of frustration.

The note read: "To the person who stole my bicycle. I hope you need it more than I do. It was $200 used, and I need it to get to work. I can't afford another one. Next time, steal a hipster's Peugeot. Or not steal! PS: Bring it back."

Though she was not expecting anything to come from the sign, she was surprised when it spurred several strangers to knock on her door with offers of kindness.

After the small town of Paradise, California, was nearly wiped out by wildfires, the local high school girl's volleyball team was still determined to play their semifinal championship match—despite having no uniforms or equipment after evacuating with only the clothes on their back.

But the opposing team from Forest Lake Christian High School in Auburn was waiting with a big surprise.

Within 24 hours, they had collected donations of $16,000 and when the girls from Paradise Adventist Academy showed up, they were greeted with new custom uniforms, knee pads, and socks—and a whole lot of love.

Photo by Jarrett Little

Jarrett Little and a few other cyclists were riding through a forested area in Georgia when they stopped to take a break. As they recuperated, a dog limped out of the woods.

Jarrett suspects that the dog had been hit by a car because it was malnourished, and it was sporting road rash and a broken leg. After he and his friends gave the dog some food and water, they puzzled over how to help it.

Since they were in the woods, they couldn't get a car to escort the canine to safety, but they also didn't want to leave it alone in the forest – so Jarrett took it upon himself to hoist the dog onto his back and ride the 7 miles back to town.

File photo by Phil Richards, CC

Adarsh Shrivastava was on a train that was traveling through India when he noticed something strange about his fellow passengers. His train cabin was filled with girls between the ages of 10 and 14 – and almost all of them were visibly distressed. Some of the youngsters were even crying.

Sensing that something was afoot, Shrivastava pulled out his phone, created a new Twitter account, and sent several messages detailing the situation to railway and law enforcement authorities, saying that he suspected the girls to be victims of human trafficking.

Photo by Xenia Flanagan

Matthew Stevenson and John Flanagan were on a JetBlu flight in January when an older passenger started having trouble breathing. A nurse who also happened to be aboard the plane tried to help the woman recover – but nothing would relieve the stress on her breathing.

When Stevenson saw what was going on, he flagged down Flanagan for help. They asked the flight crew if they had a hand-operated manual resuscitator on board to pump oxygen into her lungs.

Because they did not, the doctors resolved to build their own.

Photo by Star Balloon Bradley

People are always telling children not to talk to strangers – but everyone is glad that little Isaiah Miller didn't follow that advice in a sports stadium.

In September, Isaiah's aunt, Star Balloon-Bradley, brought her nephew to a football game when he wandered up into the stands and started chatting with a woman whom he'd never met before. Not only did he end up crawling into her lap, they were also "talking like they knew each other."

Be Sure And Share These Sweet Stories Of Kindness With Your Friends On Social Media

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